Choosing Between a Centrifugal and Masticating Juicer

Masticating is the term for chewing and a operates much in the same manner as it might seem of a cow chewing grass, grinding and crushing the good fresh fruit or vegetable matter into a paste then squeezing out the juice. The mechanics of a masticating juicer gives you to extract important vitamins and enzymes from raw fruits and veggies in a fairly unharmed state leading to superior quality, nutrient rich juice.

The preservation of minerals is one of three issues regarding the quality of your juice.

1 Enzymes- A lot of us suffer from weakened intestinal techniques from years of bad diet and our slow intestines struggle to digest nutrients. Stay nutrients in good fresh fruit and vegetables are vital for the digestion and absorption of food, changing it into power while increasing the metabolism. Enzymes are the main reason people want to make live liquid however they are quite fragile and extremely susceptible to heat.

Since it presses out juice rich in nutrients, whereas a centrifugal juicer works by shredding up the make in a fast spinning barrel with sharp teeth, a bit like a circular cheese grater a masticating juicer will chew and gradually grind the substances.

The heat due to the friction of this spinning and tearing is thought to destroy the minerals (even though the degree of this is relatively unclear as the heat would have to achieve 118 Fahrenheit and it is unlikely a centrifugal juicer would heat this much)

2 Form of Produce- A masticating juicer is especially efficient at extracting just as much liquid that you can from the extremely important leafy vegetables, cabbage, spinach, kale, spring vegetables etc. These aren't only the least-expensive, but also the richest in nutrients, the truth is the deeper the colour, the more antioxidant properties they contain. A masticating juicer will also properly liquid wheatgrass (so no need for a separate wheatgrass juicer), my own favourite and herbs, crazy nettles, anything a centrifugal juicer would find impossible to do. With that is head a masticating juicer really needs less greens to create more juice, reducing the cost of materials.

3 Oxidation- A simple method of explaining oxidation could be to illustrate what goes on to an apple a few minutes after you take your first bite. Think of how it instantly starts to go brown, this is actually the beginning of the decomposition method, 'oxidation', or the exposure to oxygen. Once you juice with a centrifugal juicer the quick spinning motion of the teeth-like blades actually whips up a lot of tiny air bubbles into the juice developing a layer on top. The good fresh fruit and vegetable cells are exposed to more oxygen and start to weaken much faster.

More information is available here.

I feel that oxidation is the most serious of concerns when considering the health benefits of a masticating juicer, especially for individuals with health issues where there's a greater need for the highest nutritional value. But I strongly maintain that fresh new juice from any juicer is going to be infinitely better for you than the pasteurized, concentrated, sweet dead juice from any carton in a store.